November 2, 2011

Simpleton Turkey Meatballs

When I say these turkey meatballs are simple, I mean it, and not only that, you can feel good eating them because they are 99% fat free! We've purchased the frozen turkey meatballs before, and let me tell you, they taste fine enough, BUT, why not make them yourself and freeze some for later? At least then, you know exactly what you put in them and can get creative and add in your favorite seasonings and other goodies.

Ingredients: (per lb. of ground turkey)
1 lb. ground turkey
2 tbsp olive oil
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup rolled oats (healthier than using breadcrumbs)
A mixture of seasonings to your preference (salt, pepper, basil, oregano, thyme--basically, anything italian related will taste good)

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Lightly oil/grease a baking dish, 9x13 is a good size
3. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. The key: use your hands. Really get in there and mix everything together.
4. Roll meatball mixture so they are gold ball sized. Place meatballs 1 inch apart in baking dish.
5. Bake for 15 minutes, and then flip over and bake for another 5 minutes. (My tip: Watch the baking time. Every oven is different. Ours bakes rather quickly, so I would adjust the time to 10 minutes and then 2-3 minutes.)
6. Remove from oven and place on cooling rack or paper towels so they don't continue cooking.

We used half for our spaghetti dinner that night. I let the sauce simmer until ready and then just placed the cooked meatballs in the sauce to simmer for another minute or so, not too long, since they were already cooked. I froze the other half to use for another dinner, but you could double or triple this recipe if you wanted to have even more at your fingertips for future meals. Easy peasy!


  1. I love turkey meatballs. When I have a falling out with my skillet and don't want to brown the meat, I find that meatballs come to my rescue.

  2. I always wait for the grocery store to have a big sale on ground turkey like buy one get one free (my fav) and then will freeze the meat to use later for meatballs or something else yummy. I think the key with this recipe is to really watch the meatballs as they are cooking and to not overcook them. I found them even more juicy when I used the frozen ones and let them simmer in the sauce. :) Now I'm hungry again..haha

  3. Neat recipe. Shared a couple of your posts on my food and cooking page:


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